Our Hawaiian grown hardwoods are beautiful and because of the high lava mineral content they grow in they have a unique look! They are hard to find and many are very rare! Key Benefits
All prices are based on a board foot basis. The hardwood industry measure it’s wood by the term “board foot”. A board foot is equal to the Length times the Width times the Thickness and then divided by 144. All measurements are made in inches. The notation of 4/4 refers to the thickness of the wood, which is near 1 inch and 8/4 which is near 2 inches thick. Yes, we have Big Slabs of Hawaiian Wood most have Natural Edge ! They range from 1.5" thick x 18" wide x 5' long to 3.5" thick x 48" wide x 12' long.
If you don't get any response from the form ,please call Mark 808-329-2877 or e-mail us at: hcs@rlwkona.com
There will be no refund on shipping costs on returned wood, so ask lots of questions , we'll make sure you understand what you are purchasing! Because of the rarity of some of the exotic woods we carry prices are subject to change, without notice on website.
Send mail to
hcs@rlwkona.com with
questions or comments about this web site.